It is the most discussed and oldest union of Laksmipur Sadar upazila. It is known that the wife of Bhalua King Rudra Manikya ran the zodiacal officer with the help of a male scientist named Narasana Narasana. During that time, he sent Sri Sri Kailash Kanti Datta to see part of the zamindariya. Jaina Lakshmi Ratna Bramon, married by a Sukesh Ramnini, is married to her. At that time, King Kailash Kanti Dutta threw him into prison because of neglecting the zamindari work. So Jainika Lakshmi Ratna Bramon comes to the area to take care of her life. After some time, after the death of Sri Sri R Kaya Kailash Kanti Dutta, the zamindar, Lakshmi Ratna found the name of Bramon in this region. For the premature death of zamindar Kailash Kanti Dutta, Lakshmi Ratna named Bramman to the Raj Darbar and gave him some parts in this region as Datta Baga. Current Dattapara is born with the change of time according to his name.
The people of this region are in peace The rate of education in this union is about 55%, this union has 9 wards (1) Barlia. 2) Gangesashibpur. 3) Barpara. 4) Battaloli. 5) Darjeepara. 6) Dattapara. 7) Karaitola 8) Lalpur. 9) Narsinghpur. 10) Poonia city. 11) Ramarkhhil. 12) Syedpur. 13) Sherampur .14) Totorakhil. 15) Shubhapur - This union consists of 15 small village, 1 police investigation center and 1 post office.
Most of the rural people work in agriculture. Besides, some people are engaged in the profession of teaching, business, government jobs, day-time etc. Farmers produce jibika fruits due to most of the seasonal crops. For example, rice, jute, etc. The main ingredient in vegetable cultivation is cucumber. The production of this union is exported to different districts of the country. If the literacy rate is low in this union and the rate of education is increasing day by day.
Languages The people of this region from the past have used the regional language of Noakhali. But in the regional language, the last letter of the words is a little tangled.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS